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February 04, 2010

Valentine's Day Plans

Today was a good day. I've been feeling a little down lately, so I took today to pamper myself. I made sure today was filled with exercise, a bubble bath, tea in one of my favorite new mugs, blog reading, scented candles, and a nap with the dog and cat. And I must say, I feel so much better. I think a little recharge every once in a while is what keeps us from getting bored, worn out and depressed.

During my blog reading I joined the Good Karma Gift Swap over at kaileenelise... This is so my idea of how to celebrate February. Who wouldn't want to get a care package from a complete stranger telling you they think you're special and should take a little time out for yourself...

It goes along with my plans of celebrating the 13 - 15.

13 - I Heart Me Day - A day to ignore the wants and needs of everyone else if you want to and simply be selfish and indulge yourself in whatever you feel you need. Afterall, if you can't take care of yourself, you're never going to be able to help others.

14 - Valentine's Day - Spend the day with someone special, be it a boyfriend/girlfriend, family member, or even a pet. Pets can really be the best company sometimes. They don't judge you for having the extra slice of cake or scoop of ice cream, or both.

15 - Anti-"Valentine's Day" Day - The special day is over and the stores know it. Candy is usually discounted, and everyone who had a horrible experience the day before is ready to compare who's Valentine's Day was more devastating. Grab the gang, some discounted chocolate, and the lamest love story you've ever seen and go to town. Making fun of the "Happily Ever After" stories with others always puts a smile back on my face. What can I say, I have some interesting friends.

Maybe I can grab a friend and get to The Cheesecake Factory that weekend. I heart their food, drinks, and especially deserts. Just over a week to make plans. What are you planning on doing to celebrate?

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