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February 13, 2010

Happy I Love Me Day!!!

I think people put too much emphasis on going out and spending money for Valentine's Day. Don't get me wrong. I'm going out for Valentine's Day, but that's mainly because I'm going out with one of my best friends. And we like to celebrate everything. To us, a birthday is a week-long sometimes month-long event; it's always the right time to use the good plates; and a chandelier is perfect for decorating a tiny apartment with no furniture, and even better in the bathroom. So this is just a chance for us to go to a favorite restaurant and catch up.

That being said, Valentine's Day is not the extent of our celebration this weekend. We are also celebrating I Love Me Day. While most single girls sit around making themselves feel bad because nobody is treating them like they're special this weekend, we're treating ourselves like we're special. Why? Because we are. In my world, I don't need someone to say "I love you", pretend that taking me to dinner was their idea when it wasn't, or buy me flowers. Why? Because I love me, I can take myself out to dinner when I want to go out (eating by yourself is sometimes more fun anyway), and I buy myself flowers all the time (my birthday, valentine's day, wednesday). Plus, I like getting to do what I want to do. No bargaining or compromising needed.

As a single girl I can
- have a pet cat, a pet dog, and fake fish
- decorate my apartment for any and every reason
- watch chick flicks during baseball and basketball games (on the big tv not my laptop!)
- leave all of my stuff on the bathroom counter (not that i do, that's kinda messy)
- sleep in the middle of the bed
- have all storage containers be purple
- treat myself like a princess without explaining that "I'm not spoiled, I'm well loved" (that one's thanks to grandmom)

So in the spirit of I Love Me Day, here are some things to keep in mind and a few links to enjoy.

Enjoy adding girly stuff to your place while you still can...

The History of Valentine's Day

Madly In Love With Me Day - Self Love Toolkit

Self-care is Not Selfish

Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

Purchase the Picture in the Post

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