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March 17, 2010

Family Funeral

Wow. I am sooooo behind. I was away this weekend so I guess what I originally wanted to spend this weekend on kinda flew into Monday and Tuesday. Anywho... I'm back. Today is catch-up day. And there should be at least two more posts between today and tomorrow so I can catch up by Friday. And when I get through all this learning about project planning, hopefully it'll never take me a whole week to get back on track after a weekend away.

SO, here's the weekend update, before we get to another weekend...

This weekend was pretty cool for me. I got to see a part of my family that I haven't seen since I was about 2. About a week ago, my mom's dad's sister's husband died. I say it like that because it's sooo much easier to understand when you spell it all out.

Since I hadn't been in a while, I went with my mom and her sister to the funeral in South Carolina. Wadmalaws Island, South Carolina. I don't think many people have ever heard of it. It's right outside of Charleston. And apparently about half the people there are related to me in some way. There's even a road named after the family. Although that's a pretty basic thing in most places. a lot of roads are named after the people who lived there when they were built.

I thought that was kind of weird at first but then I thought about it. My grandpop's family had 10 brothers and sisters. I think 2 died, and the rest had at least 5 kids each. And then almost all of their kids had at least a kid or two. So yeah, there are a lot of us. It's a running joke in the family that you have to ask people who their parents are when you date because there are so many last names.

They like to tell the story of two cousins who had gone on one date with each other and then were at church when they asked everybody in the family to stand. They were both on opposite sides of the church and both stood. I'd hate to have that happen, but I can see how it could. I saw sooo many people at the funeral that I had never seen before. And that was mainly the family of one of my grandfather's sisters. There are still some parts of the family that I've never seen. Hopefully we'll get to have a family reunion soon and I can meet some more people. the ones I met this time were really cool.

We drove down on Friday so we could take our time and enjoy the trip. On the way we stopped at South Of The Border.

It's a rest stop just below the border from NC and SC where they used to stop every time they went down south. Apparently this used to be a big thing. Not so much anymore. I thought it was really cool, but stuff isn't open as long as it used to be. I guess people don't really road trip like that anymore. I could see it being open 24 hours a day if people drove like they used to. I took pictures of all the South of the Border Pedros and got a bumper sticker and some post cards for my collection. With the exception of the fact that we were going because of a funeral, the weekend was pretty nice.

I think I'm going to have to post more about my family from time to time. There will definitely be another post if we have a family reunion. And one when I make the red rice that cousin Rose taught me how to make. And when I see my cousins who live in Philadelphia, that I didn't meet until we were in South Carolina. Go Figure.

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