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January 25, 2010

Welcome To The Wonderful World of Me

Happy Monday Cyberspace,
So I think I'm gonna give this blogging thing a try. It's sort of like writing a journal right? Only millions and millions of people can possibly read it. And yet, here I am. Writing my first blog. About improving myself.....

Most people have a problem with writing publicly about improving themselves. For one, it means that there is something wrong with you. Something horrible that you hate enough to complain about all the time. Why not just admit it. I know it. You know it. Your best friends and drinking buddies definitely know it. There's something about you that bothers you. Something that you really want to change, but don't know how or where to start. Well, there's something about me too. A lot of things actually. Like how I'm 23 and only started to spell a lot instead of alot because of the red line on my cell phone. The little red line that tells you you're an idiot and need to go back to grammar school and learn English all over again.

Unfortunately, that's not the only thing I don't like about my life and the world around me. So here I am. I suppose now would be as good a time as any to explain who I am and what I'm trying to do. So... Here goes nothing.

Awhile ago, I started reading blogs. College students tend to look for any and every way to avoid doing work or studying. I was no exception. I mean come on, who in their right mind looks forward to reading an engineering textbook. I don't even think you can really call it reading. My classes had too many syllables in the names, used books that contained over 500 pages with only 50 real sentences and were taught by teachers with foreign accents. In rooms that echoed. School was fun, but every once in awhile it got to just be annoying. And then I figured it out. It wasn't the classes, or the books or the teachers. It was me and how I approached learning. Too bad I didn't really figure that out until my second senior year. By then it was pretty much too late.

I had finally realized that I needed to approach learning differently. I have always liked learning, but apparently, at some point in time I had stopped learning what I wanted to learn. I attempted to learn things because others told me that the information would one day be useful or necessary. That just doesn't make sense. The real key is to live your life and decide each day if you can make it easier, better, or more productive by learning. Once I started thinking of education and information in terms of improving and making my life better, it all seemed to make more sense. So I started what I like to call "The Butterfly Project." (It seems like a nice enough name. "Project - Improve ME" sounded like some secret government operation or something. Or maybe I just have an over-active imagination and watch too much TV.)

Anyways... My goal is to improve my life one day at a time, by starting with who I am today and working my way to who I want to be. This project isn't about becoming perfect in any way, shape, or form. Instead, it's about my quest to find the information that will help me improve myself and the world around me.

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