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January 26, 2010

The First Ten Things (Part IV)

7. Keep In Contact With Friends and Family - When you're little, keeping in touch with your friends is never really that hard. For the most part they either live right next door or just down the street and go to the same school. When you get older, things start to change. It seems like all of a sudden none of your old friends are in the same area and getting "the gang" together to watch a movie on Friday really isn't going to happen. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've recently moved back home, but most of my friends from high school aren't even in the area anymore. Add that to the fact that a decent number of my college friends still live in the area around the campus and I'm put a decent ways away from most of the people who I refer to as friends.

I don't think that distance should be a good reason not to talk to people though. Especially not in the age of Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. This idea was further reinforced after reading a post over at Marc and Angel Hack Life entitled Real Friends Never Grow Apart. If two ladies born in the late 30s can find each other and still be friends after 52 years and multiple relocations in the age before the internet, then I see no reason why I can't keep in contact with the people I care about. Maybe I'll start a Birthday Calendar and send cards. Or at least let people know about my blog.

8. Start 52 Good Habits - This one should pretty much get accomplished in my quest to get through the other nine goal like objects on the list. Especially since Leo Babauta over at Zen Habits has pointed out in his book and blog that one the best way to accomplish a longer term goal is to break it down into habits that you do on a consistent basis. At least I think that was the point he was trying to make. In any case, the main idea is that if you want to save money, reviewing your finances weekly would help. If you want to run a marathon, daily running and exercise would help. So I want to take the year and establish 52 good habits. I know that most people say that it takes 31 days to start and reinforce a habit, but I think I'm going to count each action as it's own habit. So my morning routine would get broken down, making sure I do each step, instead of added to the list completely as one habit. I'm not exactly sure I'll be able to come up with 52 things that I don't do at all, so some of the things on my list will be things that I already do but want to make sure I don't forget.

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