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January 27, 2010

The First Ten Things (Part V)

9. Read The Whole Bible - I know this seems like a really weird goal, but it's not. I grew up in church. My grandfather was a preacher, my uncle is a preacher, my dad is a preacher, it happens. So since there's all this lovely churchiness running through my blood. And since I happen to actually like all of the churchiness, I've decided to do what most people never do. Read the WHOLE Bible. It's on the favorite book list of half of Facebook, but most people have never actually read the whole thing. The way I figure it, if I can get that much out of someone else summarizing it on Sunday morning, I should be able to get a lot more by reading it for myself.

While I'm pretty positive that I'm not going to understand all of it the first time, my goal is to just make it seem less like some ridiculously foreign language that nobody can read without 60 years of studying. The best part is that there already a program online about how to break it down and read it in 90 DAYS. 3 Months isn't that long, and really that works out to a couple of pages a day. So this should fit in fine since I already read a heck of a lot every night.

10. Move To A New City - Although I have to admit, I do like being able to look out the window and see grass and trees, I don't think I'm really cut out for the suburbs. At least not right now. Maybe when I get old and have kids or something. But for now, my heart is in the city. So my plan is to figure out how to move there. I'm sure this will be the last of the goals to even get started. Mainly because it depends on me actually having an income. Which I currently do not. Hopefully I can pull this off before the end of the year though. A year in suburbia would probably be all that I could take.

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